Craig had complained of a headache all day on th day he took ill, he took painkillers to little effect. At 12.45am he felt as though his head had exploded, started slurring his speech and kept vomiting. His reflexes were bad and his motor skills had almost effectively stopped working. I thought it was a stroke, having done tests the hospital found he had an AVM in his brain which had bled. A week later he took a massive bleed and never regained conciousness all his major organs started to fail and he died on the 17th August 2006. He was born with this condition and neve had any problems because of it until it was too late for him. Arteriovenous Malformation is the condition and is a time bomb in the brain with much the same effect as an Aneurism, had he lived Craig would have been an invalid and had very bad physical coordination. It is a blessing for Craig because he could not cope with the way the AVM had taken away his strength and movement and he felt ashamed of the way his speech had deteriated after the first bleed. The AVM robbed me of the most beautiful and caring son and it was my privilege to be his mum. My heart silently aches for him and he will be forever loved.